Blogging-Improve customer relationship management with blogging technology

 Improve customer relationship management with blogging technology


A blog, or weblog for short, is an interactive web-based journal that invites readers to participate. It looks and does everything a website does. A blog can serve as a great complement to your website and other marketing efforts.

Blogging-Improve customer relationship management with blogging technology
Blogging-Improve customer relationship management with blogging technology


blog, blog, marketing, home business, promotion, customer relations, marketing

Remember that before a prospect or customer can buy from you, they need to know, like, and trust you. There's no better way to get them to know you, trust you, and like you than with a blog. So here's my what if ... 


*What If he creates and publishes a blog, and in less than two minutes, he'd be promoted to thousands of potential customers with no extra effort or expense?

* What if your blog had instant access to hundreds of international prospects?

* What if you had instant access to hundreds of potential customers in your city, state, or country with the same interests and hobbies as you? * What if your blog showed up every time someone clicked on your profile with linked keywords describing your hobbies, work, industry, favorite books, movies, music, or artists?

*What if every time you left a comment on someone else's blog, you could hyperlink to your own girlfriend's website, blog, or email? (Free mini-commercial!)

*What If someone types your name or company name (in whole or in part) into a major search engine and your website or blog shows up in the search results?

* What if every time you posted content to your blog, it bypassed spam filters and appeared immediately on your subscribers' desktops, with no additional effort or expense? (- your sales, special news, or it a great opportunity to put a time-sensitive announcement in their hands, or actually in front of them!)

* What if a satisfied customer had the opportunity to post their testimonials on a blog? (Some take the initiative, others need encouragement. That's okay. Make it an incentive opportunity. Provide incentives for their efforts.)

By now, you should be beginning to understand the powerful marketing potential that blogs can offer. These are just some of the powerful customer relationship management capabilities that blogging brings.

But wait! There are more!

* What if you combined these powerful features with other online and offline activities such as blogthons, teleseminars, webinars, and online articles? * What if this increases sales?

Think about it! We recognize that marketing and sales success still has a long way to go. But we also know that if you combine a high-tech effort with a high-touch effort, you'll succeed.

Answer the original question: What is a blog? And what does a blog do for your business?< /b>:

A blog, or weblog for short, is an interactive web-based journal that invites readers to participate. It looks and does everything a website does. A blog can serve as a great complement to your website and other marketing efforts. Entries, called posts, are published on the page by date according to a specified amount and archived in the margin according to a specified frequency.

Blogs offer myriad marketing opportunities for businesses.

* Get instant access to your viewers, prospects, customers and subscribers who may have encountered problems in the past.

* It helps reduce the time it takes to distribute emails and other messages.

* His content delivery rate increased by 100%.

* Improve your search engine ranking.

* We are constantly releasing fresh content.

* Spam filters are completely bypassed.

* Improve your visibility online.

* Increase your web presence.

* Generate more visitors.

more . . .

I Just have one question for those of you who don't have a blog yet.

What are you waiting for?!?

Don't miss this cutting-edge technology, this powerful marketing tool. Online companies are popping up all over the internet offering free blogs. My recommendation is to grab one, two or more! Most, if not all, are very easy to create, but may take some time to maintain depending on your already hectic schedule.

In such cases, it is advisable to seek outside help. Think about the computer technician at the high school next door, or the college son or daughter of a friend who is a computer major.

I entrust you with this wish:

May You always succeed in exploring and using new creative avenues to maximize your earning potential.


We all in when you reach your full potential! If you don't, we all lose.